Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I'm commuting to Massachusetts x 6 hrs/day 3 days this wk and helping Scott with bakery/pizza oven events 5 days this week and working my regular job in between (and being surprised with long phone calls from old friends -- hey Boom! hey Lauren!), so that doesn't leave a lot of stitching time for me right now, but I wanted to share a pic of the work of another stitcher from long ago.

This sweet sweater and bonnet were crocheted for my mom when she was a baby. They were made by my grandfather's cousin, Sister Mary. (Yeah, a nunnish sort of sister. We have quite a few of those uber-religious folks in the family. To be clear, I am not one of them. ;-) They're crocheted with peach baby wool, trimmed with angora and the most precious little embroidered flowers at the yoke and front of the bonnet, above the ribbon rosette. My Gram must've forgotten she had it when Leah was born, but when we cleared out Gram's apartment, it was found in a box with a christening outfit and a note about who made it, for whom, and a question of whether my sister or I might like it someday when we have babies. Well, we missed that chance, I guess, so I have offered it to the next most likely relatives to be able to put it to use. If they don't want it, into another cedar chest (mine) it'll go for the next generation, a handmade gift for a future baby, from someone who was herself a baby almost a century ago, and appreciated by all the generations in between.
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Blogger Rani said...

That's it. I'm learnin' to crochet. That little sweater is absolutely charmingly BABY. Look at those tiny flowers. What a treasure! Thanks for sharing.

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Geri said...

What a beautiful treasure.

5:20 AM  
Blogger LaurieM said...

Why don't we put angora on baby garments any more?! It's so sweet.

11:22 AM  
Blogger ChristineMM said...

Oh my gosh, so sweet!

6:31 PM  

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