Sunday, August 29, 2010

snapshots from Saturday

Oh yeah, yesterday felt good.

One stop along the way was an art museum

where I noticed a few
fibercrafty tidbits within the art.

(Yes, the spool is carved from the pencil's wood
and the needle from the graphite!)

A little raucous Shakespeare and
some good knitting in the sunshine
to round out a glorious day.


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Blogger Rani said...

Whoa, that little pencil doohicky is pretty amazing. That first painting is really interesting. Is she reading tea leaves? It seems like the woman on the right looks very real with a lot of character and the women on the left looks sort of . . . almost like it was painted by a different artist. The character is not quite as believable or as developed. Hmmmmm.

ps. thanks for your nice words regarding my heritage tour. It has been so inspiring and fun. And it continues . . .

6:19 PM  

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