Thursday, April 20, 2006

random is as random does

You just never know what sorts of goings-on are in motion here. Often it seems mellow on the surface, as in the case of this relatively leisurely week, but upon a little reflection, lots of random, but memorable, things seem to bubble up.

Like the two pairs of socks that were given as gifts and a third pair, knit from the toe up with a short row heel (new techniques for me) nearly finished.

And the experiments in making a phonograph out of a straight pin and cardboard cone.

And the water bottle carrier that was knit in checkerboard pattern and gifted before I could snap a picture of it.

And entertainment from the Time Warp Trio, Artemis Fowl, and Brothers Grimm.

And the beginnings of a sweater (see below) for Leah, using Scott's homespun yarn, with a "pattern" calculated from Jackie Fee's Sweater Workshop book.

And speaking of random, my work topics in the past week or so have included Kansas State and Colorado college football, origins of Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, Bluecoats drum corps, methamphetamine, Pat Tillman, and the Aventure Sports Institute.

And yesterday there was some prep work for adventures in solar-powered natural dyeing.

And identification of minerals that included use of a black light and assorted tests.

And I'm not quite sure when this event took place in the past couple of days, but below you see one of the pictures that popped up when I uploaded pics from the camera. Apparently Jesse joined the mob and Leah had her first communion...or they got married...or something.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhh that pictures is so cute! One to keep around to show boyfriends / girlfriends later on.

I love doing toe-up socks and doing short-row heels! Let me know if you'd like to learn a trick about how to do short-row toes from the toe up!

11:52 AM  

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