Thursday, April 13, 2006

insert imagination here

Today you will need to use your imagination. Imagine pretty beads. Lots of them. Really super pretty ones. Florals and dichroics and foils, focals and sets. You need to imagine them because that's what we had, a big bunch fresh out of the kiln, strung up this morning with plans to snap their pics and post later today. But while Scott was out, he swung by Beads East, as requested by the owner. He had sold some beads to her store back when he was a fairly new beadmaker, and she recognized him when he was there recently to buy some findings. Upon showing her what he has to offer now, she bought just about every set that got put in the box this morning...and a few more too. So the beadmakerbaker is very happy and psyched to get back to the torch to replenish his stock, and the bead photographer promises to snap pictures faster next time! Posted by Picasa


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