Monday, April 17, 2006

eggs and beans and fish

Scott left Friday to meet up with his buddies for the annual camping trip in celebration of opening day of trout season. Jesse and Leah and Zach dyed eggs together and made some beauties -- drizzled dye delights, masking tape masterpieces, hatching dinosaur egg, and even some that looked like watercolors.

We were out bright and early on Saturday to do the downtown Boston portion of the Freedom Trail. Much, much walking, but we've always meant to do this and I'm psyched that we finally did. The trees were in bloom and the weather was perfect. Surprisingly, the Granary Burying Ground, a mosaic and drawing at the site of the first public school, and the Old South Meeting House were the most interesting locations for us all. Will definitely need to return to Beantown to do the Charlestown portion of the trail.

As always, the kids love-love-loved the eagerly anticipated egg hunt at my mom's on Sunday morning. That Easter Bunny gets more clever every year -- they were busy hunting eggs for well over an hour! Home again to quickly gather up some warm clothes for the kids, then Scott swung by to pick them up. Scott and two of the other guys came back to the campground with their kids to continue camping and fishing and riding bikes and having a BLAST together. They all came home today -- dirty and smelling like campfire and smiling nonstop. Posted by Picasa


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