Friday, July 27, 2007

oh well

I've been knitting from the stash this summer, clearing out some yarn that's been marinating in there for a while. I don't want the stash to go away completely, by any means, just sort of get decluttered a little bit. Out with the old, in with the new; discovering buried treasures; making the most of what we have...that sort of thing. And I've been feeling like I'm making mighty fine progress, too. Haven't bought myself a single skein of yarn since the spring, I don't think, and have managed to churn out a nice selection of hats and gloves and socks as small summertime knitting projects that don't need to rest on your lap during the warm days. I have even held off on purchasing new Philosopher's Wool kits, though I have two chosen and can't tell you how many times I've added them to my virtual shopping cart before regaining control of my dangerous fingers and slowly backing away from the keyboard. I have been to Creative Fibers and Mocha's Fiber Connection and Webs and Village Wool and Sit 'n Knit for assorted reasons and with assorted people, not to mention CT and MA Sheep & Wool festivals, all without buying myself a single skein. Surely I'm making an huge improvement in the stash control, I thought.

But, see, Webs is having a sidewalk sale today and it just happens to be right off the highway on an exit I will be passing anyway. And it's likely to rain over the weekend while we're camping, so local attractions that can double as places of refuge (See? Refuge. It's all about keeping my family safe in a storm!) may include Adams Family Farm or Green Mountain Spinnery or Margie's Muse. But I've shown so much restraint lately and been knitting so much that certainly it must be time to feed the stash, right? Right?!!

So I opened the stash closet this morning to evaluate seems as full as ever. Yes this is only a small portion of it. Yes there's more on my desk. And on the other desk. And a couple of bags of it by the door, destined to be donated somewhere. And a fair amount scattered around Leah's room. And a big box of spinning fiber downstairs. And a closet full of felting fiber in the dining room. (Think I'm kidding? Be careful when you open that door -- avalanche!)

Ah well, there are worse addictions. Webs, here we come! :-)
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Blogger Lorraine said...

Been said many times but, "It's cheaper than therapy."

In my case, that's debatable. The DH might think he'd been better off paying a psychiatrist.

I feel your pain - and your obsession.

8:49 AM  

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