Thursday, September 15, 2011
Hey, y'all, I'm not kitting as much lately, so this blog will probably not be updated very often, but I'm still around, still online. If you want to keep in touch, you know how to reach me on Ravelry or, if you'd like to know what else is up, drop me a line (email link in profile) and I'll tell you how to find me on Facebook. I hope to see you there!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Ingrid cardigan
Started in January, finished in July.
Top down funky genius knitting gymnastics construction in an extremely well-written pattern.
I think I love it, but it's July so I can barely touch it. Will let you know for sure in October.
Beautiful lace sampler scarf being knit by a friend after a raw foods potluck party last weekend. She scored 7 skeins of this cashmere for a grand total of $1!
Started in January, finished in July.
Top down funky genius knitting gymnastics construction in an extremely well-written pattern.
I think I love it, but it's July so I can barely touch it. Will let you know for sure in October.
Beautiful lace sampler scarf being knit by a friend after a raw foods potluck party last weekend. She scored 7 skeins of this cashmere for a grand total of $1!
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
I had a raging case of finish-itis this lovely holiday weekend and here's what I have to show for it:
Cuffs on Ingrid cardigan, project now complete and blocked and I think I LOVE it. REALLY love it. Like possibly the best sweater I've ever knit. Photos soon.
Auto-pilot 2x2 rib socks. This was my always-with-me filler knitting for a while. They've been sitting on my desk for something like two weeks, just waiting for me to weave in those 4 yarn ends. Now added to the sock stash. Yup, keeping this pair for myself.
Lacy Baktus with Edge, the 5th(?) I've knit, this one for my sister. This was the always-with-me knitting for a while too, until it got too bulky. A lot can get accomplished in those little bits of waiting time that we all have, if there's an easy project within reach.
And just to prove that it's all Lacy Baktus, all the time, around here, here are two more that my mom just finished. Seriously, most wearable handknit evah. Just enough of a touch to spice up an outfit or add that extra layer of warmth without being too bulky. Mom's living in Florida in the winters, but there are plenty of times to want a little warmth over your shoulders or around your neck, even down south, in the land of overzealous air conditioning. Once you get the pattern in your head or the chart (printed on cardstock) clipped to your work, it's the perfect mobile project. I like to wind the skein of sock yarn into two equal cakes so I'm carrying a smaller package and know exactly when I've reached the halfway point, which is when the increases become decreases.
Next up: Saroyan!
Cuffs on Ingrid cardigan, project now complete and blocked and I think I LOVE it. REALLY love it. Like possibly the best sweater I've ever knit. Photos soon.
Auto-pilot 2x2 rib socks. This was my always-with-me filler knitting for a while. They've been sitting on my desk for something like two weeks, just waiting for me to weave in those 4 yarn ends. Now added to the sock stash. Yup, keeping this pair for myself.
Lacy Baktus with Edge, the 5th(?) I've knit, this one for my sister. This was the always-with-me knitting for a while too, until it got too bulky. A lot can get accomplished in those little bits of waiting time that we all have, if there's an easy project within reach.
And just to prove that it's all Lacy Baktus, all the time, around here, here are two more that my mom just finished. Seriously, most wearable handknit evah. Just enough of a touch to spice up an outfit or add that extra layer of warmth without being too bulky. Mom's living in Florida in the winters, but there are plenty of times to want a little warmth over your shoulders or around your neck, even down south, in the land of overzealous air conditioning. Once you get the pattern in your head or the chart (printed on cardstock) clipped to your work, it's the perfect mobile project. I like to wind the skein of sock yarn into two equal cakes so I'm carrying a smaller package and know exactly when I've reached the halfway point, which is when the increases become decreases.
Next up: Saroyan!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
up, up, and away
Last weekend, Jesse and I hung out in upstate New York with a bunch of rocket scientists.
Hundreds of launches, most as expected, some spectacular catastrophes at take-off.
I took advantage of the time in the sunshine to take a long walk around the perimeter of the enormous sod farm, have a rockin' good ATV ride, and finish the Lacy Baktus for my sister.
I'm now halfway through the ribbing on the body of the Ingrid cardigan. Will be home tonight for the first time in something like 2 wks, so might be able to finish that up after a run, then only sleeve ribbing to go!
Hundreds of launches, most as expected, some spectacular catastrophes at take-off.
I took advantage of the time in the sunshine to take a long walk around the perimeter of the enormous sod farm, have a rockin' good ATV ride, and finish the Lacy Baktus for my sister.
I'm now halfway through the ribbing on the body of the Ingrid cardigan. Will be home tonight for the first time in something like 2 wks, so might be able to finish that up after a run, then only sleeve ribbing to go!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Life. Do it up!
I was away for only 36 hours this weekend, but it felt like a week's worth of vacation and festivities and, really, like I'll be riding that wave for a good long while. You know that kind of weekend? Yeah. Excellent.
Started off on Saturday morning in Cambridge, MA, to run my first 5K with Pa, Ben, and Jed (and others) from the Do Life movement. Didja hear that, Peeps? A 5K! Me?! Now, all you real runners, don't fall off your chair laughing. I know 5K is a warm-up for some of you, but for me, it's big. I mean, I've been walking that distance or even double that distance for many days in the past year, but running? No. Never did. Never expected to. But when the body has energy and the joints don't complain, it seems a natural progression and -- dare I admit this? -- I'm *liking* it.
I started loosely following the Couch to 5K program a few weeks ago. I say loosely because it's supposed to be a 9-week program and they warn you not to jump ahead, even if you feel like you can, but I did it in 3 weeks because I'm anidiot rebel like that. It was steamy on Saturday morning, though, so I (and the other couple of women I hooked up with) did a fair bit of walking during that 5K. Still, it's all movement and it's all good.
Then I headed to NYC, where I trekked around and had an amazing lunch of raw gourmet foods (I ordered appetizers so I could try a variety -- tostada, hand roll, pizza, ravioli) at Quintessence and raw dessert from One Lucky Duck. I ate that mint chip sundae on a bench outside and took the tiramisu and lemon square with me for another time. Boy, it's too bad that a raw foods lifestyle is so boring and restrictive and deprivational, eh?
Started off on Saturday morning in Cambridge, MA, to run my first 5K with Pa, Ben, and Jed (and others) from the Do Life movement. Didja hear that, Peeps? A 5K! Me?! Now, all you real runners, don't fall off your chair laughing. I know 5K is a warm-up for some of you, but for me, it's big. I mean, I've been walking that distance or even double that distance for many days in the past year, but running? No. Never did. Never expected to. But when the body has energy and the joints don't complain, it seems a natural progression and -- dare I admit this? -- I'm *liking* it.
I started loosely following the Couch to 5K program a few weeks ago. I say loosely because it's supposed to be a 9-week program and they warn you not to jump ahead, even if you feel like you can, but I did it in 3 weeks because I'm an
Then I headed to NYC, where I trekked around and had an amazing lunch of raw gourmet foods (I ordered appetizers so I could try a variety -- tostada, hand roll, pizza, ravioli) at Quintessence and raw dessert from One Lucky Duck. I ate that mint chip sundae on a bench outside and took the tiramisu and lemon square with me for another time. Boy, it's too bad that a raw foods lifestyle is so boring and restrictive and deprivational, eh?
;-) Saw some live music, enjoyed wandering the city solo, and met up late at night with a friend who was letting me crash at his place (lest y'all get the wrong idea: platonic! guest room!).
Up the next morning for another 5K! This one was in Central Park, again with the Do Life guys (and many others). If you check out Ben Does Life, you might see my smiling mug in 3 of his recently posted pics. This time, I again met up with two women with whom to run -- all of us at about the same pace and endurance. I took 1-minute walking breaks a few times, but this one felt like I really ran it. And I was able to hold conversations while running with them. And it was fun. So. Much. Fun. I left plenty of time for chatting with people before and after, met some fabulous and interesting folks, and really got the biggest buzz from the whole thing.
Back to friend's house, we had planned to take his motorcycle to the beach, but decided the traffic would be horrendous, so instead strolled the High Line and Hudson River Park on what had to be one of the most spectacular weather days of the year.
I googlemapped my weekend this morning and came up with about 23 miles of walking/running, total. No joke. Yet another Lacy Baktus along with podcasts to keep me occupied on the train ride back to CT to fall into bed, so tired but yet so energized.
Up the next morning for another 5K! This one was in Central Park, again with the Do Life guys (and many others). If you check out Ben Does Life, you might see my smiling mug in 3 of his recently posted pics. This time, I again met up with two women with whom to run -- all of us at about the same pace and endurance. I took 1-minute walking breaks a few times, but this one felt like I really ran it. And I was able to hold conversations while running with them. And it was fun. So. Much. Fun. I left plenty of time for chatting with people before and after, met some fabulous and interesting folks, and really got the biggest buzz from the whole thing.
Back to friend's house, we had planned to take his motorcycle to the beach, but decided the traffic would be horrendous, so instead strolled the High Line and Hudson River Park on what had to be one of the most spectacular weather days of the year.
I googlemapped my weekend this morning and came up with about 23 miles of walking/running, total. No joke. Yet another Lacy Baktus along with podcasts to keep me occupied on the train ride back to CT to fall into bed, so tired but yet so energized.
they're everywhere
I took a walk during Leah's voice class last week and was on the way to my harmonica class at a community college when I passed this wall of windows and noticed, sitting right inside, a cluster of knitters! So of course I made a U-turn, went inside and introduced myself.
It ends up that these three work at the college and get together to knit on Wed. evenings after work. Then it ends up that I've chatted with two of the three before and one even bought a glass button from Scott a while ago, used it on a hat with a seed stitch brim!
Thursday, June 09, 2011
It was a bit warm out there yesterday, but I was in a shady spot before Leah's voice class, while waiting for my harmonica class to start. I had good tunes, good knitting, a gentle breeze, and a good view of some fine young bucks practicing bike tricks. I had planned to just stay parked until Leah went into her class and then go for a walk, but it felt so good to do what I was doing that I just stayed there. I sat and knitted for a whole hour! Such a rarity these days. And I remembered exactly why I love this little obsession so much. And I still do, even though I'm walking more than knitting lately. Down 90 pounds now, so it's all good!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
this wk, the stats version
days of rain: 6
car maintenance cost: $1,900. ouch.
concerts seen: 1
average # of social encounters per visit to Whole Foods: 3
new jeans size: 12
lacy Baktus completed: #4? or is it 5?
avg # of social encounters while on walks: 1+
hoops made: 7
rocket launches attended: 1
rockets launched: zillions
evening walks/visits with friends: 3
inches left to go on body of Ingrid cardigan: ~6
kumquats munched: 20+
harmonicas bought for upcoming class: 2
Sunday, May 15, 2011
hey, I made something!
They're small, so I made two.
Fun to crochet for a change!
Old friend, very good friend.
From Minnesota, on Long Island for the weekend.
So nice to reconnect.
The whole day felt a lot like this moment looked.
Bonus: Found a fab juice bar!
Time on the ferry gave me a chance
to reconnect with another old friend,
the sticks and string. Ahh.
Good day and home in time to walk 4 miles before bed.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
anything goes
Sometimes a seamstress may feel a little steampunk.
Sometimes she may prefer the Civil War era.
At Costume Con, held in New Jersey this year, anything goes. Costume enthusiasts of all eras and genres gather together to strut their stuff, share techniques and resources, take workshops, and be inspired.
Leah was tickled to win an award for one of her outfits.
And now she's 13. It'll be fun to see where her fiber/textile passions will take her this year! Go, Goob, and happy birthday!
Sometimes she may prefer the Civil War era.
At Costume Con, held in New Jersey this year, anything goes. Costume enthusiasts of all eras and genres gather together to strut their stuff, share techniques and resources, take workshops, and be inspired.
Leah was tickled to win an award for one of her outfits.
And now she's 13. It'll be fun to see where her fiber/textile passions will take her this year! Go, Goob, and happy birthday!
Monday, May 09, 2011
the big catch-up
Whoa. Yeah, it's been a while. Hold on tight and I'll do a quick summary of what's been going on 'round here. It's been a wild ride.
Leah finished sewing another historic gown, attended another vintage ball, danced all night. Dinner at Ethiopian restaurant first. Yum.
Scott and Jesse spent a few days in Delaware for Red Glare rocketry event (just like the one last fall).
Scott and his buddies went camping/fishing for the annual weekend festivities for opening day of trout season.
Leah took a pottery class. Had fun with her first attempts on a wheel.
Kitchen electrical work done and appliances delivered. Scott's in the process of sheetrocking. Cabinet installation scheduled in a couple of weeks.
Kids and I saw the orchid show at New York Botanical Garden. Haven't been there since 2006. The place is super cool.
I moved out, got my own apartment. Not easy, but it was time. We're all adjusting.
Leah and I spent a weekend in New Jersey for Costume-Con. She won an award for one of the outfits she sewed.
Spent a week in Ireland. Stunningly beautiful. Totally mellow. Click through for the photo album. Giant's Causeway!
Leah finished sewing another historic gown, attended another vintage ball, danced all night. Dinner at Ethiopian restaurant first. Yum.
Scott and Jesse spent a few days in Delaware for Red Glare rocketry event (just like the one last fall).
Scott and his buddies went camping/fishing for the annual weekend festivities for opening day of trout season.
Leah took a pottery class. Had fun with her first attempts on a wheel.
Kitchen electrical work done and appliances delivered. Scott's in the process of sheetrocking. Cabinet installation scheduled in a couple of weeks.
Kids and I saw the orchid show at New York Botanical Garden. Haven't been there since 2006. The place is super cool.
I moved out, got my own apartment. Not easy, but it was time. We're all adjusting.
Leah and I spent a weekend in New Jersey for Costume-Con. She won an award for one of the outfits she sewed.
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Ireland 4/11 |
Spent a week in Ireland. Stunningly beautiful. Totally mellow. Click through for the photo album. Giant's Causeway!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
hello, old friend
Some days are like a breath of fresh air, y'know?
The trails are finally cleared of their winter muck, so I walked six miles in some of my favorite woods.
Throughout the day, I was lucky enough to chat with three friends who I've known since I was about 16. Soooo thankful to still be in touch with these good people.
And there was even a little bit of time left in the evening to add a few more rows to my Ingrid cardigan. This is only the second time I've worked on it since February, but the second sleeve is almost as long as the first now. True to form, this super warm and wooly sweater will probably be ready to wear in, oh, July or August. ;-)
Still, it was refreshing to knit a bit, chat a bit, walk a bit.
It was a very good day.
The trails are finally cleared of their winter muck, so I walked six miles in some of my favorite woods.
Throughout the day, I was lucky enough to chat with three friends who I've known since I was about 16. Soooo thankful to still be in touch with these good people.
And there was even a little bit of time left in the evening to add a few more rows to my Ingrid cardigan. This is only the second time I've worked on it since February, but the second sleeve is almost as long as the first now. True to form, this super warm and wooly sweater will probably be ready to wear in, oh, July or August. ;-)
Still, it was refreshing to knit a bit, chat a bit, walk a bit.
It was a very good day.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
following the bliss. again. still.
Scott and Jesse: In Delaware for a rocketry event.

Me: Walking 6 miles with a group of awesome and fascinating people on a sparkling early spring Saturday morning, tickled to see flowers and buds and feel the warmth of the sunshine.

Leah: Over the moon in her favorite of the 19th century ball gowns she's sewn to date, asked to dance for all but the few dances she sat out (to rest) at the 1861 Ball of the Rebellion. Months of anticipation, weeks of sewing, 4-1/2 hours of dancing and festivities, and a lifetime of good memories.
Me: Walking 6 miles with a group of awesome and fascinating people on a sparkling early spring Saturday morning, tickled to see flowers and buds and feel the warmth of the sunshine.
Leah: Over the moon in her favorite of the 19th century ball gowns she's sewn to date, asked to dance for all but the few dances she sat out (to rest) at the 1861 Ball of the Rebellion. Months of anticipation, weeks of sewing, 4-1/2 hours of dancing and festivities, and a lifetime of good memories.