Wednesday, February 02, 2011


See that leftward crossing cable to the left, four rows back? It should be rightward crossing. D'oh.

Luckily(?), I screw up like this all the time, so I have had lots of practice with fixing. I could tink back those four rows, but given that this is a top-down, heavily cabled sweater with set-in sleeves, all knit at the same time, there are MANY stitches on the needles and unknitting that much would be a bummer. I much prefer dropping down just the involved stitches, however many rows, and knitting them back up correctly. (Demo of this technique here: Part 1 and Part 2.) It's a little fiddly, but much less so than the alternative.

Woot! All better!
Elapsed time: 11 minutes.

I wish all my knitting mistakes were so easily fixed.
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Anonymous CTJen said...

That's so cool! Too bad lace surgery is so much more difficult. :(

7:51 PM  
Blogger Rani said...

What the . . . that's brilliant. I have been known to rip the whole damn thing out in a fit of rage. That's going to be amazing when it's done.

1:44 AM  
Anonymous random Cindy said...

You are brave! I can do that with an errant purl but cables? Yikes!

9:02 AM  

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