Thursday, May 29, 2008

stash diving playtime

I'm up to the armpits on the sleeves of Jesse's Durrow-inspired sweater and the body is a plain ol' 4x2 rib all the way, so I'm going to try knitting that on a knitting machine. Until I buy or borrow one, that project is on hold.

Bren's gloves are nearly finished too, with only one thumb to knit and eleventy billion ends to weave in.

With Leah's Josephine also recently off the needles, the only other works in progress around here are socks, so it's time to play with a new project! Whee -- time for stash diving! I'd start another fair isle -- this one for me or this one for the Goob -- but it's almost June and I know I'm not going to want heavy wool wrapped around my hands or resting on my lap for very much longer. Time for a lightweight scarf, methinks, and there was a pattern in my Ravelry favorites that's been making me drool for quite a while. Went the Paypal and Ravelry download route for instant gratification pattern procurement.

Did a little diving in the stash closet and came up with that cone of Tencel that I got at Webs a while back and combined with burgundy cotton harvested from a Goodwill sweater to make Leah's hybrid cardigan. The color's not right in this pic -- it's deeper jewel tones with that beautiful tencel sheen -- but you get the idea.

I found a big ol' cone of a royal blue rayon/wool blend from the yarn tag sale last month.
Added in some peacock metallic #6 size beads from our bead stash.
Also added a strand of purple coned yarn, but that made the fabric a little too thick, I think, so I tore out that swatch, went down to just the two strands for another try, and voila!

I am ga-ga over this pattern and this yarn/bead combination. I would have knit much further on it last night, but I only had this little bunch of beads. Scott will pick up the rest of what I need when he's over by the bead store for bakery deliveries later today and then there's no stopping me, and this is a completely addictive pattern, so it'll be fun to see how quickly it moves along.
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