Monday, March 28, 2011

a breath of fresh air

This post is for Rani and Laurie and anybody else who is going a little winter stir-crazy right about now.

Pics taken Saturday in NYC, where the very first signs of spring are popping up, where the sun was shining brightly and the day could not have been more delightful.

Hang in there. Warmer days are coming!


Blogger LaurieM said...

How did you know?

It was snowing on Sunday. We've taken to shaking our fists at the sky.

6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie~ Speaking of cold I have tell you that I LIVE in one of the sweaters you gave me. Seriously I wear it every single day. I get dressed it goes on. When it's time to put on my jammies the sweater goes over them. When it's time for bed I lay it over the bottom of the bed to keep my toes warm. Yes, it's well loved!!

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. You look amazing!!

7:31 PM  
Blogger Rani said...

OH OH OH! Seeing that first picture almost made me cry. Green. That was green. Honest to God GREEN. Thank you. It also looked like lots of paper hot air lanterns.

We had one last snowstorm. Just about put me in "the home". I'm not a winter wimp. Really I'm not. I love living here. I don't know what's wrong with me this year.

Thank you thank you.

10:30 PM  

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