Thursday, September 24, 2009

signs of life

We're coming out of that sickie fog, slowly but surely. Still w/ cough, still w/ fatigue, but there are signs of life around here. Even when we're under the weather, there's a lot of making going on. Because when it comes right down to it, that's what we do. All of us. We make stuff.

Scott made more baked goods and glass beads in the past week than he's ever made in a week before. We all had a stellar time at the Coventry Farmers' Market's Fiber Twist on Sunday.

My mom's making a scarf using an assortment of yarns. It's going quickly, so that makes her happy, and is clearing out some of our scraps, so that makes me happy.

Jesse's making rocket-powered Lego dragsters. The above is supposed to be a video clip of this one's blast-off test run. It might only show up as a still photo, but it's cool, so I'm leaving it here no matter what. (I wasn't present for the test run or I would have suggested to the mad scientists that parking the cars BEHIND the launch zone may have been a better idea. :::rolling eyes, amazed they've lived this long:::)

Leah's still doing her velvet and satin embroidery, and lately she's starting to make shoes. She's also trying very hard to felt a knitted pouch that will. not. shrink. And working on a knitting commission for someone at the market last weekend. Jesse, meanwhile, commandeered the sewing machine last night in an effort to make his own ghillie suit from stuff we have around the house. First try involved knitting on size 50 needles (yes, really) with about 7 strands of yarn, with the idea of felting the resulting loose fabric. Surprise, surprise, though, knitting wasn't fast enough for the boy, so now he's on a mission with some old green curtains, pinking shears, and a big roll of elastic. Other than helping him remember how to put in a full bobbin, my assistance is not needed and my helpful input is not desired. :-)

Me? Mostly I'm still coughing and dragging, but I did manage to finish a cabled hat (pics to follow soon - blocking now) and cast on an adorable baby hat that makes me go squee!

ETA: Jesse just pointed out that one of Leah's favorite bands is playing a free outdoor show in Hartford Saturday night. If we scurry home from MA, we could make it. And there go the only couple of free hours that were still open in this weekend's calendar -- poof! -- but yay for so many good things going on out there!

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