Saturday, August 05, 2006

coming up for air

Yup, it's been a little toasty 'round here. We handled this by staying in air conditioning or water. Jesse and Leah generally came up only long enough to get a fresh breath of air and then were back in again via another route. Here you see their holding-hands-dock-jumping entrance to our favorite swimming hole.

I know the pic is dark. That's because it was evening, our favorite time to be there. We often have the place to ourselves and stay until it's too dark to see. Other bodies of water this week have included the ocean, pool at a friend's house, a state park pond, and a most excellent time in a local stream with climbable waterfalls, rapids, and many interesting spots to explore.

I too have come up for air, when I pop my head out of work mode to see what's up in the rest of the world. Public service announcement to the cubicle dwellers: Those of us who cover your job while on vacation would appreciate if you didn't all schedule your vacations in the same couple of weeks. Please plan accordingly.

You know how the past month or so has been kind of hectic with the workload? Well, I didn't see it coming, but apparently all of that was just a warmup for this week. It's like we've gone from the pzzft, pzzft of a one-at-a-time lame-o fireworks show to the grandest of fireworks spectacular finales. Because, you know, covering three full-time jobs plus the usual workload will make for a mighty interesting week coming up.

In preparation for the upcoming insane-a-thon and while the boys were gone fishin' with one of Jesse's pals, last night was spent enjoying the comfortable breeze and bright moon in the presence of knitterfriends.
Leah alternated between working on a knitted rug for her doll and a poncho for herself. I continued on Bella and am now ready for the shoulder shaping on both sleeves. (I will spare you the agony of multiple pictures as I inch along on this project. But, Sandy, you're still going to need to tolerate an occasional photo of the results of our recycling efforts. ;-) Knitting content will likely be sparse over the next week or so as these fingers are otherwise occupied, but we'll catch you again on the flip side. Posted by Picasa


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