Saturday, March 13, 2010

mocs that rock

After four years of wear, Scott's felted clog slippers are worn through, so this time I made him a pair of felted moccasins.

You saw them in pre-felted stage here. After a couple of cycles through the washer in hot water, I stitched on some suede soles to make them less slippery, threaded shoelaces through the appropriate places for snugging up the back end, and...ta da!

Mocs that Rock!
Pattern: Felted Moccasins by Bev Galeskas, from Felted Knits
Yarn: Paton's Classic Wool
Another excellent pattern that works up quickly,
with great results.

You see those nicely stitched on soles? Those and half a sock foot are the grand total of my progress on projects in the past week. :::sigh::: And now, since the guys are at a rocketry conference (where Jesse won a $50 gift cert and they're hooking up with a bunch of friends for a party this evening!) and Leah has a friend here for a sleepover, I'm going to spend the evening getting reacquainted with a certain green sweater that's calling my name.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy your night Deb. It's the perfect night for knitting and movies. Good luck with the sweater.

5:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Those are great moccasins! I really like them. My dad can't wear the felted clogs because he just can't seem to walk in them. I'm thinking that moccasins might work though... Thanks for a great idea!

6:56 PM  
Blogger Delaney's Duds said...

Nice! They look store bought!
I was thinking of you - we saw a fellow rocket launcher at Mansfield Hollow State Park on Wednesday.

8:07 PM  

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